Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Twilight teaser trailer OFFICIAL HD

So I never wrote about how much I love the Twilight all three of them in a week and a half. So I ran across this trailer and let's just say I CAN'T WAIT!!! Any one for a midnight premiere in December?

I just bought Stephenie Meyer's new book called "The Host". I could barely put it down to check my blogs and watch American Idol at the same time. I'll let you know how it is.

Don't forget to push stop on my music playlist so you can hear the trailer. And if you haven't read any of the books, go get them. They take you to a totally differen place and are very fun and entertaining!


Valerie said...

I'm so excited for the movie!!! The books were a lot of fun! So glad you're into them too. I'm always up for a movie party, you kiddin' me? :)

Laurie said...

Yes, the books were a lot of fun. We'll have to have popcorn and hot tamales!

P.S. I'm just a wee bit sad that I have not yet written MY bestseller.

P.S.S. Totally freaked myself out last week walking to the car when it was dark thinking about the Achilles tendon stalker. Also, is he the guy that got to Way?

Nau Willis said...

first of all I should tell you that I pruned EVERY plant in my yard! lol! I havent read these but I need to! Maybe I could borrow the ones you have read? the new template!

Kristin said...

THe movie is going to be fun, loved the books, I too read them all in about a week and a half. Though Matt teased me mercilessly about reading my scary love story.

Leslie said...

Okay, I think I am weird... I read the first one and really liked it, but I have started the second one and really cannot get into it... I think I am the only woman(or YW) on earth that isn't LOVING these books... what the?